community details

designed for community

Weavers Grove is a unique neighborhood with a focus on creating a thriving, multi-faceted community that contributes to the vibrant life of Chapel Hill and Orange County.

Enough Space for Everyone

Weavers Grove has a density that’s similar to surrounding communities and includes lots of green and recreation space giving its residents room to thrive.

Attractive Design

Each home is expertly designed to integrate with the existing style of Chapel Hill and neighboring communities.


Weavers Grove amenities will appeal to and serve a diverse homeowner base – fostering neighborly interaction, enabling healthy recreation, and supporting families as they strive for safe, stable environments for their children.

In Touch With Nature

Weavers Grove embraces its natural surroundings by leaving acres completely untouched by development.

A Sense of Privacy

To make Weavers Grove an ideal neighbor, we’ve exceeded the required buffer limits between neighboring communities wherever possible.